Digital and print promotional pieces for a fitness activity offered through a fitness center.
Art Direction, Design, Production.

Social media and banner ads

B2B ad campaign for Noise Mapping Software. Art direction / Graphic Design / Production

B2B campaign that included print ads, digital ads, email, landing pages, white papers and online newsroom. Art Direction / Graphic Design / Production 

Ad campaign telling four stories about wealth management and financial planning.
Art direction / on-location photoshoots / production.

Print and digital ads for national, high school sports awards shows. 
Design solution had to work for 23 different markets, each having their own dominant color.
Client: Times Media

Print ads and sales material for a London gin now available in the U.S.
Playing off British humor we positioned the gin as lighthearted instead of serious like the label's stockbroker.

Museum grand opening poster. As the art director for this piece, my initial sketches and layout were based on historical research to mimic a vintage war poster. A fine artist was commissioned to create an oil painting to mimic my design. It was used for the museum opening, advertising, gifts, souvenirs, etc.

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